Coupons 101

Welcome to your coupons 101 class! Read below before you go any further with this blog. Remember coupons are money!

First things first. Where do you get coupons?

Each Sunday, and some days of the week, you can cut coupons that are in the newspaper. These are the inserts from Red Plum, Smart Source, and Procter & Gamble. Some of these coupons have a long shelf life, three months or more. Keep them until they expire! You never know when something might go on sale right before the expiration date.

You can get coupons online through:
Red Plum
Smart Source
and many other websites

You can also get coupons straight from the manufacturer. I recently received a coupon from Post Cereal for $2.00 off of one box. All I had to do was fill out a short form on their website.

You may also want to contact manufacturers and tell them how much you like their products to get coupons. Be sure to make your story unique though. Telling them how their product saves you time could be one approach.

One coupon per purchase and what that means

This is where a lot of people get confused. If you have 10 Skinny Cow coupons for $1 off, that means you can buy 10 Skinny Cow Ice Creams and use 10 coupons to get 10 dollars off! Per purchase essentially means per item!